Use your Washington Financial Debit Card with confidence around the globe and online. In the event your card is lost or stolen, we will replace it immediately at any one of our branch locations or overnight your card if you can't get to a branch.
Make your card personal! You can select an image from our photo gallery or completley customize your card with a personal photo. Whatever you choose, you can receive your card instantly from your local Washington Financial branch office. (Fees apply for custom and gallery card images.)
If you have one of our Rebellion Checking products, using your debit card is even more rewarding. See the Rebellion accounts page for details.
- You have the power to protect your debit card - literally in the palm of your hand.
- This card control feature, located within your Washington Financial Bank mobile banking app, gives you real time access to manage your card.
- Shopping around the neighborhood – set the card to work only where you are.
- Can’t find your card? – Lock it until you do.
- Providing a card for your college student? Set alerts to monitor their spending.
- Simply log into your mobile app and click Card Control!
As we continually look for ways to expand services to enhance convenience, Washington Financial offers the optional payment of overdrafts on your ATM and debit card transactions. You may enable this feature within your Washington Financial Bank online banking app or complete the Opt In form, located in the Resource section of our website, and return it to our Operations Department.
This feature will be an addition to any current overdraft protection you may already have with us.